CoC General Policies
- CoC Governance Charter (updated November 2023): This is the foundational document that defines the roles and responsibilities of the Western Virginia CoC. The Executive Committee is recommending an updated version to be reviewed and voted on at the January 2025 CoC general meeting.
- Anti-Discrimination Policy (updated November 2019): Outlines how the CoC employs and provides services to all people.
- Grievance Policy (updated November 2019): Provides a process for people to address grievances regarding CoC programming and decisions.
CoC Operational Procedures
- By-Name List & Case Conferencing Policy (updated March 2019): Describes the goals and structure of monthly case conferencing process for chronically homeless, homeless veterans, and unaccompanied homeless youth.
- Coordinated Entry & Assessment Process (updated August 2024): Details the policies, standards, and procedures for the Centralized Housing Intake (CHI) call line.
- HMIS Policies and Procedures (last updated August 2024): This document is maintained by the Homeward Community Information System (HCIS) and outlines appropriate use of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) database.
- Point in Time (PIT) Count Methodology (updated January 2024): Describes the methodology used to conduct the annual point in time (PIT) count of people experiencing sheltered and unsheltered homelessness across the entire CoC.
- Street Outreach Purpose Statement (updated November 2019): Outlines the goals and purpose of street outreach programs in connected unsheltered individuals to housing services within the CoC.
Policies for CoC Grants
- HUD Evaluation, Ranking, and Reallocation Policy (updated November 2019): Provides guidance for the Ad Hoc Committee to review and rank program applications for inclusion in the CoC’s collaborative application to HUD’s CoC Program Competition
- VHSP Policies and Procedures, 2024-2026 (updated August 2024): Documents all policies and procedures to ensure standard implementation of Virginia Homeless Solution Program (VHSP)-funded programs across the CoC.
- Client Prioritization Policy and Scoring Tool (updated November 2019): Provides the rationale and scoring metric that programs use to prioritize clients for CoC-funded services.
- Monitoring Policy for CoC Programs (updated March 2020): Outlines the monitoring procedures that the Compliance & Evaluation Committee follows to assess compliance of CoC-funded agencies with grant requirements.
- Evaluation Policy for CoC Programs (last updated August 2024): Describes the evaluation protocols that the Data & Performance Committee uses to promote learning and improvement for the outcomes of CoC-funded programs.