Centralized Housing Intake To Support Our Community
The Western Virginia Continuum of Care has refined a centralized housing intake model that serves as our region’s housing crisis response system. It is composed of two individuals who have offices at Mercy House in Harrisonburg and the Shenandoah Alliance for Shelter in Woodstock
To access any housing service within the Continuum of Care, specifically Rapid Rehousing, Targeted Prevention, Emergency Shelter, and Permanent Supportive Housing, first call the Centralized Housing Intake line at (540) 271-1701.
The Centralized Housing Intake Line determines eligibility for a referral. Once a referral is sent on the client’s behalf, Centralized Housing Intake is no longer working with that household. Centralized Housing Intake does not provide any financial assistance. It will be at the referred agencies sole discretion to discuss available funding and to determine final program eligibility.