What We Do.

COC By The Numbers:


PIT drop since 2020


Unsheltered homeless population in 2022


CoC coverage area (sq. miles)


CoC partner organizations

If This Is You, Call Our Centralized Housing Intake

If you are experiencing homelessness or will lose housing within the next 15 days, call our Centralized Housing Intake line at:
(540) 271-1701

Become A Member

Membership in the Western Virginia CoC is open to any organization connected to the CoC’s service area that is interested and committed to making homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring in the Shenandoah Valley. Community representatives outlined in the 24 CFR § 578.3 are encouraged to participate and can join the CoC at any time. There is no fee associated with membership.

service area map

Proudly Serving The Shenandoah Valley & Beyond

The CoC serves a large and diverse geographic area that encompasses six counties and two cities. Each community has its own unique set of dynamics, including different stakeholders, service needs, and challenges. The CoC relies on sub-grantees in these communities to effectively engage key stakeholders and address the needs of the constituencies in each respective locality.

How To Help

One of the most important ways you can help the homeless community is through volunteering. When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to form connections with members of the homeless community, which can improve understanding for both parties.