CoC General Policies
- CoC Governance Charter (updated January 2025): This is the foundational document that defines the roles and responsibilities of the Western Virginia CoC.
- Anti-Discrimination Policy (updated November 2019): Outlines how the CoC employs and provides services to all people.
- CoC Grievance Policy (updated February 2025): Provides a process for people to address grievances regarding CoC programming and decisions.
CoC Operational Procedures
- By-Name List & Case Conferencing Policy (updated March 2019): Describes the goals and structure of monthly case conferencing process for chronically homeless, homeless veterans, and unaccompanied homeless youth.
- Coordinated Entry & Assessment Process (updated August 2024): Details the policies, standards, and procedures for the Centralized Housing Intake (CHI) call line.
- HMIS Policies and Procedures (last updated August 2024): This document is maintained by the Homeward Community Information System (HCIS) and outlines appropriate use of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) database.
- Point in Time (PIT) Count Methodology (updated January 2025): Describes the methodology used to conduct the annual point in time (PIT) count of people experiencing sheltered and unsheltered homelessness across the entire CoC.
- Street Outreach Purpose Statement (updated November 2019): Outlines the goals and purpose of street outreach programs in connected unsheltered individuals to housing services within the CoC.
Policies for CoC Grants
- HUD Evaluation, Ranking, and Reallocation Policy (updated November 2019): Provides guidance for the Ad Hoc Committee to review and rank program applications for inclusion in the CoC’s collaborative application to HUD’s CoC Program Competition
- VHSP Policies and Procedures, 2024-2026 (updated August 2024): Documents all policies and procedures to ensure standard implementation of Virginia Homeless Solution Program (VHSP)-funded programs across the CoC.
- Client Prioritization Policy and Scoring Tool (updated November 2019): Provides the rationale and scoring metric that programs use to prioritize clients for CoC-funded services.
- Monitoring Policy for CoC Programs (updated March 2020): Outlines the monitoring procedures that the Compliance & Evaluation Committee follows to assess compliance of CoC-funded agencies with grant requirements.
- Evaluation Policy for CoC Programs (last updated August 2024): Describes the evaluation protocols that the Data & Performance Committee uses to promote learning and improvement for the outcomes of CoC-funded programs.