This committee is responsible for the CoC’s housing and homeless services.  It is the lead entity managing community planning, coordination, and evaluation. The Executive Committee is composed of the chairs of each standing committee. 

Responsibilities include:

  • Provide direction and leadership for CoC processes
  • Make all formal decisions for the CoC
  • Conduct strategic planning and goal-setting
  • Establish priorities for and make decisions about the allocation of CoC resources
  • Coordinate CoC funds with other relevant resources in the region
  • Monitor and evaluate both system wide and individual program performance on established goals
  • Establish committees and task groups as needed to perform CoC functions
  • Select Collaborative Applicant and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) administrator
  • Enter into all contracts and memoranda of understanding on behalf of the CoC and monitor performance under these contracts
  • Respond to changes from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
  • Create and evaluate CoC guiding documents

To become a committee chair, a member must receive a majority vote from his or her respective committee.

Chair: Michael Wong,

Deputy Chair: Shannon Porter,

If you are already a member of the CoC and have questions about the Executive Committee, please contact the Committee Chair, Michael Wong.

Current Committee Members 

Kaitlin Heatwole, HRHA/Western CoC

Megan Bly, Shenandoah Alliance for Shelter

Katie Vance, ARE

Mandie Bishop, Strength in Peers

Rachel Rivera, Winchester Rescue Mission

Matt Tibbles, Our Community Place

Allison Henry, HRHA/Western CoC